Digging Dangers 33: A Tale of Four Cities
Digging Dangers All Videos
Digging Dangers 33 Overview (2022 Accidents):
"Some argue that cities represent the last frontier for damage prevention." In "A Tale of Four Cities" we cover four digging accidents that all derive from city-involved projects in 2022.
Incidents in Volume 33:
March 10th, Lubbock TX: Fire fighters put out the blaze of a house explosion caused by city crews working on a sewer repair striking a 2-in gas line an hour earlier.
Sept. 2, St. Louis MO: A city contractor installing new conduit for streetlights in the downtown area outside City Park soccer stadium struck two existing electric conduits in the process.
Aug. 2, McKeesport PA: Subcontractors installing a handicapped ramp on a YWCA building struck a gas line with a backhoe, causing an explosion, injuring themselves, damaging the building. Neither subcontractors or contractor had called 811.
Mar. 1st, O'Fallon MO: Subcontractors struck a gas line when installing new fiber optic cable in a residential area. Residents were evacuated, but an explosion soon occurred destroying a home and damaging several neighboring homes. Another accident was caused by the same contractor in O'Fallon only two weeks prior.
We hope you find these videos to be impactful in your safety and damage prevention efforts.
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